what the heck PIX is up to NOW????? 
my attempt at drawing an oomphaz with a pen took me about 5-10 minutes... not bad 
what's Aze up to? click on pic to find out :) 
what's Aze mad about now? click on picture :) 
They are caught on camera! uh-oh... the Lily is not happy... 200 pcs of gold scam in the 'storyline' Long long time about there was a thread called 'Storyline' started by Adam Mage (which is me btw) until I requested for it be closed 
what's Adam Mage (warrior) is saying? click on image W&W trouble at the INN Lady Erin finished her monk quest, came back to the Inn to retrieve her clothes from Gambyt but only to discover that they have disappeared... hmmmmm... |  |

Uh-oh.... what's the matter with these guys! 

It's still not logical to have just one horse for the six members... click on pic for a larger image :) Gambyt promoted from thief to ninja my attempt at Gambyt (as a ninja) pin-up but I got his robe wrong though... damn.... :( 
what's our barbarian pixie pixed off now? click on picture to find out ;) 
uh-oh what's with the horse? why he's afraid? click on pic... 
Erin's not happy about something... click on image to find out why.... 
This Ratling is shocked about something... what is it? click on picture :) Pixed off Barbarian pixie 1 He's at it again! that stupid stupid barbarian pixie! Bug Zapper heh....my character wizard, TAOQ, is zapping bugs to increase his experience points since he only have about 10 exps to go.... |
Bathroom Troubles Of all the towns of Gael Searran, There's one town that has an outhouse.... Trouble at the Gates Encountered the Amazoni Mantraps far Northwest from Ishad N'ha. I got away from them... I didn't know that they followed me there.... until my group went back outside through the gates. Aiming too close my warlock decided to use 'Flamestrike' against the Amazoni Mantrap but realized that it was a closeup... well... you'll see the result... Breath Problem hiding behind the giant disk (I call it Batman's giant penny), trying to figure out how to defeat the Naga.... but you'll see the result my W&W RP character faces I was working on Gambyt and it went bad (again) so I figured what the heck ... I'll just doodle (again) done with pencil |  |
Misadventures doodles 1 hey just adventures and gossip I ran into either from Ironwork's W&W forum or Saz's GSE news Get your copy HERE! Gael Serran EXAMINER! Sazerac, the moderator of Wizards and Warriors forum had created his own RP newspaper for Gael Serran. (go to My Favorite Links) I decided to draw my characters reading his paper in his honor :) Trouble with the Raft Will the raft hold six people? go find out (pay attention to the fish) Ah.... ROMANCE! nah it won't last... ;) Tired old joke Just a quick pencil drawing of the aftermath of the battle between the knight and the dragon ;) |