Ok this page is now changed to mostly drow-related 
Zaknafein Do'Urden color pin-up above! 
everyone's favorite drow... he had a hard road to go because of his heritage.... this is just a idea sketch... think I should finish him and have this colorized? 

'Mooshie' with 'Drizzit' Menzoberranzan PC Misadventures part 1 I was playing the 1994's PC game 'Menzoberranzan' and it appears that one of my RP characters had developed a crush on our favorite drow elf..... oh just click on link above... hee hee 
looking at the unicorn with respect and awe.... :) quick sketch 
uh-oh... you invite trouble with you refuse the priestress's advances.... quick pencil sketch 
this troublesome quickling had finally been captured... yeah yeah... I KNOW this guy's supposed to be bigger than that... I figured what the heck...I was using a mechanical pen 
I was working on my favorite character for a while... then it went BAD! whenever my work went badly... I doodle... so these were JUST doodles... with a pencil 
pin-up of drizzt in the works... DAMMIT! I messed up on his swords! they look like BROADswords *grumbles* 
This group is went straight from my mechanical pen onto paper.... it's like doing a crossword puzzle with a pen. I tried to make drizzit's skin true to the description... not as easy as it looks... 

rough sketches of young drizzt so I put it together into a comic strip 
a VERY quick sketch idea of mind from RAsalvatore's book 'Homeland' Of course Briza's in the front whereas the males is in the back in the line but what the heck Dinin doing with the priestesses? ah well... |

What Drizzt thinks of the cover of 'Legacy' done in 7/2001 
This from RAS's 'Homeland' art titled 'denied affection' 
Drizzt looks over his shoulder while he's washing the skunk smell off himself and discovered.... 
Boyz in the 'hood (oh take a guess who they are...) 
Finally the corrected version of drizzt and in COLOR too! 
Doesn't Gromph EVER smile? 
Black & White correct version of Drizzt's pin-up 
My attempt at Malice Do'Urden I did the headdress |